Friday, February 26, 2010

Breaking Down My Week

This has been one of the longest weeks at ABC so far, but not necessarily in a bad way.

We continued our module from last semester, The Doctrines of the Church, which means we had to start classes at 8:30 instead of 10:30.  Dr. Kirkpatrick taught the class that Jim Franks had started before we went on winter break.  The class was great and I learned a lot, a lot of thanks to Dr. Kirkpatrick for taking time to come teach it while Mr. Franks was in the council of elders meetings.

On Tuesday I started getting back to the gym.  A couple of weeks ago I found a mixed-martial arts gym that was offering a month long free trial.  I was going to take advantage of it then, but we got a ton of snow and the gym was closed for a while.  Now the snow is mostly melted *tear*.  So, I went to a jujitsu class there and it was amazing.  I missed doing MMA (I haven't been back since I broke my leg and then ribs).  I found out pretty quickly though that I was completely out of shape, but it was still fun and I'm looking forward to continuing the classes there.  I'll also be taking Muay Thai there two days a week.

So... that was pretty much my whole week.  I'm excited for the Sabbath tomorrow so I can get some rest finally.  I hope everyone has a great weekend and gets plenty of sleep also.


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